Hello, friends
My name is Eamonn Brennan. I’m an award-winning sportswriter. I usually don’t lead with that at parties, but when you want people to support your independent work, it’s probably worth putting up top. For the past two decades I’ve been writing about college basketball, from Yahoo! to ESPN to The Athletic. This is my newsletter devoted to astute, silly, shrewd, fun, independent and sustainable hoops writing year-round.
Buzzer is reader-funded. Every subscription counts. If you want to show your appreciation for what I do, please consider a paid subscription today.
Why subscribe?
To support college basketball coverage with the consistency, rigor, thoughtfulness and goofiness that this glorious mess of a sport deserves.
College hoops is culturally underappreciated, even among people who love sports. It shouldn’t be! It’s a beautiful, besotted heap, with a fascinating insular subculture all to its own, which has never been more interesting than it is right now. It has produced some of the greatest sportswriting of the past century. It has also produced many of my dumb columns. (Bubble Watch in particular.)
For $8 a month, or $80 a year, you can help me maintain this balance.
You’ll get all of my stuff, access to what we can safely assume will soon become the best college hoops comment section on the Internet, and a genuine say in how this project improves over time. We’ll do Q and A’s with paid subscribers and live chats where we can hang and watch big games together. We’ll figure more out as we go.
This can only exist if enough people subscribe. I hope you’ll agree it’s worth it.
(If you want to support me beyond that level, as a Founding Member, you’ll get an invite to a regular Zoom call to casually chat hoops. You’ll also get first priority on our regular Q and A’s and some other benefits that will evolve with your participation. That’s going to be super fun.)
Whatever your level of support, thank you for being here. More questions? DM me or shoot me a note. Now let’s do this thing.